Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Comm 105-Question 2

When I think of who a good speaker is I don't really care if they are in politics or not.  I think that this is where the question was going but, truthfully I think a lot of the campaigns are similar.  I get bored on the same speeches over and over.  Also when they feel like attacking someone else's reputation, I just think that there are better things to do. If someone is going to bury themselves they don't need any help.

I watch a lot of late night tv when  I do my homework and a speaker that comes to mind is Late Late show with Craig Ferguson.  The thing I like about this guy is that he always is honest about the issues pressing America today.  He's Scottish, with a thick accent and he's funny as well.  The thing that keeps me interested and other people as well is that his way of speaking is always very energetic and passionate.  He is never dull or subtle like, I think, Jay Leno.  One, he does have the accent thing going  which automatically peaks interest, two, he's funnier than all the other late show hosts, three, he does his opening monologues with a close up approach.  When he is talking in the beginning, he always walks to and away from the camera and touches the camera or pats it in the front as if he was having a conversation with us on the television.  I have never seen anybody do that before.  If anyone is interested  check out: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdRVQ4xwwmQ.

He also has a good rapport with his audience.  Remember the time when a bunch of celebrities were getting into trouble with alcohol, drugs, and other scandals?  They all tried to blame the lifestyle and what not.  Craig Ferguson got on his soapbox one night and got very serious about this.   He mentioned he was a recovering alcoholic and also that he took responsibility for his actions and that the other celebrities should too instead of complaining and blaming everyone else for their problems.  That was one of his best monologues to date.  The one that solidified that I liked this guy for the first time was the one titled:  "Ferguson speaks from the heart."
He decided to put his role as a late show host aside and speak from his heart about some of the jokes he had been doing about celebrites and their problems.  He felt sorry for it and decided that he wants to aim his jokes toward something he felt more comfortable with. 

Craig Ferguson does have credibility when it comes to show business and as an American Citizen when it comes to the politics that this country delegates.  He also has an attractiveness to his way of talking.  He doesn't talk to you like he is a talk show host.  He speaks from his heart and his mind.  And he does it well.  I wouldn't say he has power in the traditional sense, but I think people do agree with him about the issues he speaks about or jokes about.  People seem to enjoy him because he is honest, charming, and funny.

The area he could build ethos in is his power.  Even though he speaks well, he is still a late show tv host.  Not many higher powers would take him seriously if any.  I think if he switched to another network he might get a little more exposure and attention.  But then he probably wouldn't be the same  man that I enjoy watching on his show.  It's like  his own blog space when he does his opening monologue.  In a blog you can explain how you feel about things while feeling comfortable and in your own element.  If anyone is interested, please look him up to help better understand what I'm talking about.  There are things that he does in his speaking abilities that I wish political candidates would do. 

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