Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Comm105-Question 1-Creatures of our culture

I think  I do believe that we are creatures of our own culture.  And its hard to break out of our habits and beliefs depending on our experiences.  There are ways to break out of those kinds of things and possibly open our eyes to a whole new experience.   Also, there are ways to open our eyes to other people's view points.

There are several shows on tv that help people and teens that are set in their own ways that they don't see or care about anything going on this world but themselves.  Their actions and attitudes often call for a reality check so to speak.  There's this new show where a spoiled teen and daughter of a wealthy man, not Paris Hilton, where she is sent to live with a rainforest tribe in the Amazon.  Talk about extreme immersion  into another culture.  The benefits of this would be: education, experience without material things, and the ability to meet new people and respect them for their culture.

I think as we speak, we are set in our beliefs and culture, considering the electronic age can work for us cross culturally, or work for us just to stay within our own culture.  I think its amazing that we can play video games with people from different parts of the world.  Just the other day I was playing a game with some people from England, South America, and also from Japan.  It was beyond my understanding but I enjoyed it and I took the opportunity to engage in conversation with them,  while I was wooping their butts.

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

You made some good points here. I do have a question though - what is your definition of culture? Is it limited to our 'surroundings'? Or can we have many microcultures? When I started playing WOW a few years ago I was blown away by the 'culture' of those that played WOW. I was surrounded by people speaking a different language, behaving in a way that is acceptable only in the 'culture'. I immersed myself and acclimated over time, but it took a while. What is your definition of culture?