Friday, November 21, 2008

Question 2- medium is the message

I do think that the medium is the message.  Television is probably the strongest medium of communication.  Everyone watches television.  In some form or another.  It doesn't matter what each person's interests are because there is something for everyone based on their interests.  ANd those are the programs that people are going to relate with more and watch more.  In turn they are going to get whatever message through that specific program.  I do agree with the content of the medium depending on the medium is a big factor.  With Tv the content is quick and its more visual obviously.  Less dialogue is involved and it is direct.  With radio, people can talk more and connect more with their audience.  Especially with talk radio.   You have to expect people to have a conversation rather than deliver a message.
As far as tv being a cool medium, I do notice that personalities who are more active and outrageous are not on tv for long.  Our book describes that the personalities on tv for this medium, which contributes to their success, are more toned down.  In turn, it makes them funnier and more interesting to watch.  

The people who are more outrageous are more likely to find better chances at radio, or comedy shows or cd's.